
In the aftermath of Judgment Day, we fled to the Exclusion Zone and sought refuge underground. This is what is left of our fallen civilization.

I thank Star Wars for bringing us the concept of the lightsaber. Without these weapons, humanity might not have survived the war.

Living in the world after Judgement Day, I have a long list of things that I miss from the good times. Pizza is high up on that list.

Lately, I have been scavenging the ruins of a monastery. This monastery was home to warrior-monks, masters of martial weapons utilizing chain, rope and whip. These weapons include the rope dart, the meteor hammer, and the chain whip.

Their combative use seems to me to be largely outdated without superhuman attributes or augmented power suits of some kind. One possible exception is the chain whip, especially as an improvised weapon.

However, I find the intersection of these martial weapon practices and dance to be even more fascinating. I find myself wishing I could travel back in time to see these masters practicing their arts.

Finally, I stumbled upon this footage that is tangentially related:

Japan ninja student gets top marks for writing essay in invisible ink

“A Japanese student of ninja history who handed in a blank paper was given top marks – after her professor realised the essay was written in invisible ink.”